Jaggedge Counselling

About James

I am an integrative counsellor which in short means that I am trained and experienced in three different modalities. I promote a safe space for my clients. Each person is unique so I may either blend the modalities, or use one of the modalities as a stand-alone, to meet the needs of each individual client and their changing needs.

The first modality I use is Person Centred counselling. This underpins the sessions and the therapeutic relationship. I give the client space and time to explore what is going on for them. The core conditions of Person Centred are:

  • unconditional positive regard (UPR) which means that I provide a safe non judgemental space;
  • empathy where I endeavour to get into my client's frame of reference. I walk alongside them as a companion to understand their journey;
  • congruence where I promote transparency and honesty, after all the client is the expert of themselves and their life.

Gestalt therapy looks at the here and now, exploring body and emotional sensations. The use of art, imagery and experiments like the empty chair technique can be invaluable in helping resolve issues such as depression, self esteem and relationship issues.

The use of Transactional Analysis (TA) gives insight into the way clients communicate and interact with others.

I charge a fee of £50 for a 50 minute session.

Confidentiality is vital for the therapeutic relationship. However, there are exceptions where it maybe necessary to break confidentiality:

  • if there is a threat of harm to self or others;
  • drug trafficking (not using);
  • money laundering;
  • acts of terrorism.

The identity of the client remains completely anonymous in this instance and the details shared are kept to a minimum. This ensures that I am practicing in an ethical and safe way and is for the benefit of my client.

I am a member of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists which is the Ethical Body I adhere to and so registered with the ICO and commit to the GDPR The Data Protection Regulations 2018.

I am constantly updating my training and the list above is just a sample of the additional work I have done in support of my practice.

Memberships & Qualifications

Online Counselling Available

Registered office

Jaggedge Counselling
NN11 4JN

Company Number: 12681145

Contact us

07538 820 106

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